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Chertsey Primary School

Chertsey Primary School

Growing and Learning for Academic Success

Telephone02 4325 3963

About our school

Our school day commences from 8.30am when a teacher takes morning supervision in the COLA area. Students who arrive before a teacher is on duty wait in a designated seating area outside the front office.

We offer Breakfast Club from 8:15am - 8:45am. The school day starts at 9:00am when students line up at their class line in the COLA.

We have fruit break at approximately 10:00am.
Lunch 1 is from 11:00am - 11:40am, this includes time for eating, then play. 

Lunch 2 is from 1:10pm - 1:45pm, this includes time for eating, then play.

The school day for students ends at 3:00pm. Parents are able to wait at either of the school gates to collect their children. We have a bus that collects children, and also Before and after school care operated by Coastwide Child and Family Services.

If you would like to make a time to speak with your child's teacher, please phone, email or visit the office to organise a suitable time. Alternatively, you can contact the school office and your child's Classroom Teacher via our app, Schoolbytes.