Welcome to Kindergarten at Chertsey Primary School!
Kindergarten is an exciting time for all involved, and we are thrilled to welcome you to our school, and be part of this exciting journey!
English is taught daily in Kindergarten, and comprises of speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing.
Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to:
- communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing
- Use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context
- Think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical
- Express themselves and their relationships with others and their world
Learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English.
After the first few weeks of school, students will begin to bring home interest-based texts to read at home on a nightly basis. All students will be provided with a home-reading folder, and this should be returned to school each day with the home-reader inside.