Good health is vital to an enjoyable school life. A balanced diet, regular rest and play are essential. Please ensure that your child comes to school rested, fed, and with appropriate healthy food and drink for the school day.
Medication Policy
Where administration of medication in school hours is essential to the student's health and educational welfare, medication should be provided in a measured dose.
- A daily medication form must be completed, with amount of dosage and instructions.
- Medication should be taken to the office, clearly labelled with the student's name and the exact measured dosage.
- Do not send full bottles of medication.
- No medication is to be left in your child's bag.
- Please discuss with the classroom teacher and office staff any condition (such as asthma, diabetes etc) that your child may regularly suffer from.
Sick Children
Sick children should not be sent to school. If students become sick at school their parents will be telephoned and asked to collect them immediately. Parents are required to provide the school with the name and phone number of an emergency contact for occasions when parents cannot be reached. It is important that information for the emergency contacts is kept up to date.
Children should be kept at home if they:
- Need to be excluded from school in accordance with Department of Health regulations relating to immunisation.
- Are suffering any of the illnesses or complaints listed below:
- Influenza,
- Severe asthma,
- Temperature,
- Vomiting,
- Diarrhea,
- Severe skin rash or infection,
- Headache, earache, tooth-ache, discharge from the eyes, nose or ears.
Once the child has recovered they may return to school. A note explaining the child's absence must be sent to the classroom teacher on the return to school.
Accidents at School
If a serious accident occurs at school, parents or emergency contacts will be telephoned as soon as possible. An ambulance will be called and the student transported to Casualty at the Principal's discretion if parents or contacts cannot be reached. It is essential that parents provide the front office with up-to-date contact details for key family members and emergency contacts.
Common Diseases
At some time during your child's time at our school, they may possibly contract one or more of the common childhood diseases. If your child contracts one of the illnesses listed below, please follow the procedures identified.
Disease |
Exclusion Period From School |
Contacts |
Measles |
5 days from appearance of rash. |
Not excluded. |
German Measles |
7 days from appearance of rash. |
Not excluded. |
Mumps |
14 days from onset of swelling. |
Not excluded. |
Chicken Pox |
7 days after first spots. |
Not excluded. |
Head Lice (Pediculosis) |
Must have received treatment. Re-admitted to school only after inspection shows no evidence of head lice. |
Conjunctivitis |
Until all evidence of disease disappears or medical certificate is produced. |
Scabies |
Until all evidence of disease disappears or a medical certificate is produced. |
Infectious Hepatitis |
On subsidence of symptoms or on medical certificate of recovery. |
Scarlet Fever |
7 days after symptoms subside. |
Not excluded. |
Ringworm |
When all evidence of disease disappears or with medical certificate stating that lesions are inactive. |
Impetigo |
All sores must be covered. |
All children need to be immunised against the normal childhood diseases. In the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease, the non-immunised child will be excluded from attending school for the duration of the outbreak. An immunisation certificate should be presented to the school on enrollment.